BY 2
The no having 2,4,6,8,0 in its unit place is divisible by 2.BY 3
The no whose sum of digits are divisible by 3
1456 : 1+4+5+6=16 : 1+6=7
which is not divisible by 3 ,So 1456 is not divisible by 3
which is not divisible by 3 ,So 1456 is not divisible by 3
3957 : 3+9+5+7=24 : 2+4=6
which is not divisible by 3 ,So 3957 is not divisible by 3
which is not divisible by 3 ,So 3957 is not divisible by 3
BY 4
The no whose last two digits are divisible by 4 is divisible by 4.5588 : 88 is divisible by 4
So 5588 is divisible by 4.
BY 5
The no having 0,5 in its unit place is divisible by 5.6679 : 9 is unit digit place ,So 6679 is not divisible by 5.
BY 6
The no divisible by 2 and 3 is divisible by 6.7896 : it is divisible by 2 because unit place is 6
and 7+8+9+6=30 : 3+0=3 divisible by 3
So 7896 is divisible by 6
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