Multiplication of 3 related numbers
In this method we can multiply three related numbers i.e. numbers which are closer or nearer to a number which is multiple of 10, i.e 20,30,50,100,200 etc.
we will take that number as base for this multiplication .
Example-1 :
11 + 1
12 + 2
13 + 3
11+2+3 / (1X2)+(2X3)+(3X1) / 1X2X3
= 16/11/6
= 16+1/1/6 //here each part can contain only one digit as
base 10 has only one zero in it. so 2nd digit
carried to next part and added with 16,16+1=17.
base 10 has only one zero in it. so 2nd digit
carried to next part and added with 16,16+1=17.
In this example base is 10. If base would be other than 10 i.e. multiple of 10 or 100 or 200 the middle portion of the answer would be multiplied by the ratio of taken base to 10 or 100 or 1000. For example :
Example-2 :
16 - 4
19 - 1
21 + 1
(16+1-1)X2X2 / 2X{(-4)X(-1) + (-1)X1 + 1X(-4)} / (-4)X(-1)X1
= 64/-1/4 //here base is 20 so multiply by 2
= 64-1/10-2/4 //if the answer comes negative then subtract it from 10 & reduce 1 from next part.
= 6384
106 + 06
96 - 04
103 + 03
Example-3 :
106 + 06
96 - 04
103 + 03
106-4+3 / 6X(-4) + (-4)X3 + 6X3 / 6X(-4)X3
=105-1/100-1-18/100-72 // as base is 100 substract
from 100.
106-4+3 / 6X(-4) + (-4)X3 + 6X3 / 6X(-4)X3
=105-1/100-1-18/100-72 // as base is 100 substract
from 100.
Thanks and I think this will be usefull for you :)
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